My character design & sculpting project for my 3D & Animation Year 2 module. The theme of the brief was "Master & Creature", with this being the sculpt for the "Master". Having played a lot of Infinity around this point, I ended up desigining the character in the vein of that universe - a scifi soldier, but one with a few items grounding them towards their modern counterparts, such as the design of the gun and the muffler.
All programs were used under a student lisence.
Regarding the references:
-Hassassin Fiday is from the Infinity wargame system, which belongs to Corvus Belli.
-Tracer & Sombra references are from Overwatch, which belongs to Blizzard.
-Netrunner belongs to Fantasy Flight Games.
-Several of the facial references are of Angela Bermudez.
-I'm not sure where the rest of the references originate from, as most of them were either from images I've had saved for a long time, or from google.